EGYPT: (3000-1200 BC) Ancient Egypt refers to the people and area surrounding the Nile River in Africa. This period of history called Ancient Egypt extends beyond the 3000 BC-1200 BC era, but for this section we will be covering only this time. During this time period, Ancient Egypt saw the rise of the Early Dynastic Period to the fall of the New Kingdom. Many things happened during those times, such as the creation of the pyramids, the creation of paper, and the growth of a writing system called hieroglyphics. Ancient Egyptians were very advanced in their architecture and societal structure. Pharaohs, or the kings of Egypt, played a huge role in the civilizations of Egypt. While the Pharaoh was important for his rule over the land, he was also considered a god and was worshipped as so. Pharaohs saw the down side of this as well; if anything disastrous took place he was held responsible. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Society in Ancient Egypt was represented by classes, and social stratification was apparent. Most citizens were divided by their trades or what they gave to the cities. The nobility in Ancient Egypt consisted mainly of priests while the lower classes were representative of slaves and outcasts. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at