DIVISION (3 digits by 1 digit) Division is a mathematical operation is which a number, called a dividend is divided by another number, called a divisor to get a result, called a quotient. Division can be used with numbers or decimals of any size. When dividing two numbers, the dividend is looked at to see how many times the divisor will go into it. Example: 56 ÷ 7 = ? How to use division: • To divide a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number, place the 3 digit number inside of the division symbol, )¯¯¯, a nd place the divisor outside of the division symbol. • When dividing, look at the dividend and think about how many times will the divisor go into it. In the example below, first look at the number in the hundreds place, 4. Can 8 go into 4? No, so next look at the number in the hundreds and tens place, 49. Can 8 go into 49? Yes, 6 times, so a 6 would be placed above the division symbol in the tens place. • Under the 496, 48 would be written lining up with the tens place of the dividend. These numbers are then subtracted and the result brought down. • Since there are still 6 left in the dividend, it will be brought down, making the new number 16. Can 8 go into 16? Yes, 2 times so 2 would be written above the division symbol in the hundreds place making the answer or quotient 62. Example: ______ 62 8 ) 496 8 ) 496 - 48↓ 16 - 16 0 © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
When a number cannot be divided equally, there is a number left over. It is called a remainder and is written: R4 or over the divisor, 4/5. So if a number had the answer 16 with a remainder of 2, it would be written, 16 R2. Try this! ____ _____ ____ ____ 5 ) 255 9 ) 279 8 ) 664 7 ) 364 ____ ____ _____ 4 ) 377 3 ) 325 2 ) 753 © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.