COMPARING AND ORDERING NUMBERS Greater Than or Less Than: When you are comparing numbers to decide which is greater you need to: 1. Look at the digit in the HIGHEST place in both numbers. The highest place is the farthest digit on the LEFT in the number. Example: Look at these two numbers: 934,901 765,436 They each have a digit in the HUNDRED THOUSANDS place: 934,901 765,436 You can see that 934, 901 is GREATER than 765,436. 934,901 > 765,436 2. If the two numbers you are comparing that have the same digit in the same highest place, then you need to look at the next place. Example: 6,740 6,891: Both of these numbers have a 6 in the THOUSANDS place 6,740 6,891: So we need to look to the HUNDREDS place. 6,740 < 6,891 3. When comparing two numbers, if one number has a digit in a HIGHER place than the other number, you know that number is GREATER. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Example: 76,902 9,876 The first number has a digit (7) in the TEN THOUSANDS place. The second number does NOT have a number in the TEN THOUSANDS place. We automatically know then that 76,902 is GREATER than 9,876. 76,902 > 9,876 © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at