Ordering Numbers and Objects by Size

Mathematics, Grade 1

Ordering Numbers and Objects by Size

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Ordering Numbers and Objects by Size

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Ordering Numbers and Objects by Size


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Ordering Numbers and Objects by Size


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Ordering Numbers and Objects by Size


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Study Guide Ordering Numbers and Objects by Size Mathematics, Grade 1

ORDERING NUMBERS AND OBJECTS What is Ordering? Ordering is when numbers or objects are in a sequence. They may go from smallest to largest. They may go from largest to smallest. How to order: When ordering numbers from smallest to largest, find the smallest number in the set first. Then find the next smallest and so on. For example: Put these numbers in order from smallest to largest. 4 3 6 9 The smallest number in this set is 3, so it will come first. The next smallest number in the set is 4, so 4 will come next. The number 6 is next. Nine is the largest number, so it will be last. Therefore, the order should be: 3 4 6 9 When ordering numbers from largest to smallest, find the largest number first. Then the next largest and so on. It is the opposite of putting numbers in order from smallest to largest. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
Try This! Put these numbers or objects in order from smallest to largest. 8 2 4 6 _____________________________ 1 5 9 7 _____________________________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.