Study Skills

English Language Arts, Grade 7

Study Skills

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Study Skills


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Study Skills


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Study Skills


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Study Guide Study Skills English Language Arts, Grade 7

STUDY SKILLS What Are Study Skills? Study Skills are methods and techniques that assist the student in studying more efficiently. Examples: following directions carefully asking questions keeping an assignment book practicing time management skills using SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review) taking notes skimming and scanning memorizing making an outline creating mnemonic devices Try This! 1] A mnemonic device to remember the names of the Great Lakes is _____. a] HOMES b] CARS c] SHOES d] PETS 2] When taking a multiple-choice test, a student should eliminate the _____ answers. a] right b] wrong c] correct d] accurate 3] Which study method would not be appropriate for remembering information in an entire chapter of a social studies book? a] outlining b] SQ3R c] note taking d] memorizing © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at