Reading Process

English Language Arts, Grade 7

Reading Process

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Reading Process


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Reading Process


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Reading Process


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Study Guide Reading Process English Language Arts, Grade 7

READING PROCESS What Is the Reading Process? The steps a student follows in reading effectively are called the reading process. Examples: A student should set a purpose, like information or entertainment, for reading before reading the selection. The step in the reading process when a student looks over the selection is called previewing. Before reading, a student should plan how he/she is going to remember the information from the selection. Strategies for remembering information from a reading selection are taking notes or creating graphic organizers. A student should review his/her reading purpose during reading. During reading, successful readers make connections between what is being read and his/her own life. After reading, the successful reader should pause and think about what he/she has just read. This step in the reading process is called "pause and reflect." Certain genres of literature need to be read more than once. This step in the reading process is called rereading. The last step in the reading process is to think back and recall what was just read. This step is called remembering. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Try This! 1] The principal of the junior high school is standing in front of a noisy assembly of seventh grade students with her hands on her hips and a stern look on her face. You can infer that the principal is _____. a] overjoyed b] angry c] elated d] happy 2] A teenaged girl wearing a swimsuit is walking toward an outdoor pool. Walking next to her holding her hand is a toddler in a swimsuit. The reader can draw the conclusion that the teenager and the toddler are going to the zoo. a] true b] false © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at