Process Writing

English Language Arts, Grade 7

Process Writing

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Process Writing


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Process Writing


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Process Writing


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Study Guide Process Writing English Language Arts, Grade 7

PROCESS WRITING What Is Process Writing? The stages that writers go through in order to complete a written piece are called the writing process, or process writing. Examples: The stage at which writers plan their writing is called the prewriting stage. The stage at which writers get their ideas down on paper is called the drafting stage. The stage at which writers change and correct errors in their writing is called the revising stage. The final stage of the writing process, when writers share their final products, is called the publishing stage. Try This! 1] Zoë took notes while interviewing a meteorologist from her local television station. At what writing stage is Zoë? a] revising b] publishing c] prewriting d] drafting 2] Samantha uses the "spell check" on her computer to correct any spelling mistakes. At what writing stage is Samantha? a] revising b] publishing c] prewriting d] drafting 3] Miguel submitted his poem for publication in the school newspaper. At what writing stage is Miguel? a] revising b] publishing c] prewriting d] drafting 4] Maria writes an attention-grabbing lead paragraph for her story. At what writing stage is Maria? a] revising b] publishing c] prewriting d] drafting © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at