Supporting Detail

English Language Arts, Grade 5

Supporting Detail

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Supporting Detail


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Supporting Detail


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Study Guide Supporting Detail English Language Arts, Grade 5

SUPPORTING DETAIL A supporting detail is a detail that tells a specific fact or detail about the main idea of the text. A supporting detail SUPPORTS the main idea of the text. Example: If the main idea of an article was that going to school is important, a supporting detail would be that school helps prepare you for your future. Try This! If the main idea of an article was the huge storm shut down the city, a supporting detail of this main idea would be: a] The city has a population of 2,356. b] The city has a lot of fun parks. c] Schools and businesses were closed because 2 feet of snow fell over night. d] I have lived in the city for 8 years. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at