Making Predictions

English Language Arts, Grade 5

Making Predictions

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Making Predictions

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Making Predictions


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Making Predictions


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Making Predictions


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Study Guide Making Predictions English Language Arts, Grade 5

MAKING PREDICTIONS When you make a prediction, you make a reasonable guess about what is going to happen NEXT in the story. You should use the hints and clues the author writes in the story in order to make an educated prediction. Example: According to her brother Aiden, Sarah was a tattle tail. No matter what Aiden did, Sarah always told on Aiden. One day, Sarah and Aiden were building large towers out of blocks. Aiden accidentally knocked down Sarah’s tower. Predict what will happen next. a] Sarah will just build another tower. b] Sarah will run and tell their mom what Aiden did. c] Sarah will laugh. d] Sarah will hug Aiden. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at