Syllables/Spelling Patterns

English Language Arts, Grade 4

Syllables/Spelling Patterns

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Syllables/Spelling Patterns


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Syllables/Spelling Patterns


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Syllables/Spelling Patterns


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Study Guide Syllables/Spelling Patterns English Language Arts, Grade 4

SYLLABLES/SPELLING PATTERNS What are Syllables and Spelling Patterns? Words can be divided into syllables. Examples: The word basketball has 3 syllables: Bas/ket/ball The word championship has 4 syllables: Cham/pi/on/ship Words need to be divided into syllables properly. The word pocket is divided into syllables like this pock/et Examples: The word engine is divided into syllables like this en/gine The word decision is divided into syllables like this de/ci/sion A spelling pattern is a similar pattern of letters found in more than one word. Examples: The spelling pattern ou can be found in the following words: flour sour bound sound The spelling pattern ea can be found in the following words: read mean beam clean © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Try This! How many syllables are in the word wonderful? a] 1 b] 2 c] 3 d] 4 What is the correct way to divide the word vacation into syllables? a] vaca/tion b] va/ca/tion c] vac/a/tion d] vacat/ion What spelling pattern can be observed in the words mood and soon? a] on b] mo c] oo d] od © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at