Charts/Maps/Graphic Organizers

English Language Arts, Grade 3

Charts/Maps/Graphic Organizers

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Charts/Maps/Graphic Organizers

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Charts/Maps/Graphic Organizers


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Charts/Maps/Graphic Organizers


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Charts/Maps/Graphic Organizers


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Study Guide Charts/Maps/Graphic Organizers English Language Arts, Grade 3

MAPS, CHARTS, GRAPHS, AND DIAGRAMS What are Maps, Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams? Maps, charts, graphs, and diagrams are graphics that contain information. Tips for Reading Maps, Charts, Graphs, and Diagrams Notice if there is a key or legend to help you understand the map symbols. Read each heading carefully. Notice if the information is presented in a particular order, like alphabetically. Look for any boldface print or capital letters. Use Math skills to figure out the answers to certain questions. Try This! Which word belongs in the place of the question mark? a] banana b] pear c] apple d] fruit © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at