DOUBLE O SOUND What are the words with a double o sound as in moon? When you see oo together in a word, it usually has the sound you hear in “Moo” so put oo in when you spell them. Here are some to remember. OO: boo, boot, boom, cool, drool, food, fool, foolish, mood, moon, noon, soon, spoon, roof, room, too, tool, pool, tooth, goose, loose, igloo, balloon, Try this! Answer the riddles with words that have double o sound. 1. Use me to eat. I am not a fork. What am I? _____________ 2. I keep the rain and snow out of your house. _____________ 3. You can jump into me and swim. I am a _____________. 4. I am in your mouth. I wiggle and fall out. I am a _____________. 5. I am not to or two. I mean also. _____________ © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at