SOCIAL STUDIES What are some spelling and vocabulary words for Grade Two Social Studies? Laws are rules all citizens must obey. Laws keep all citizens safe. Citizens are the people who live in each community. Neighborhood - the area around our home, including schools, churches, stores, and other homes. A community is a group of neighborhoods where citizens live, work, and play. A community can be urban, rural, or suburban. Urban area - a large community, a city. Rural area - a small community with much open land. Suburban area - any size community near a city. Capital city -a community where government leaders work. State - many communities grouped together with a capital city where state government is. Country - a group of many states. Our country is the United States of America. Vote means choose. Citizens have the right to vote for government leaders. Freedom - we have the right to choose our own leaders. Government - Workers who make laws for communities and make sure they are followed. Government leaders - The President is the leader of the whole country, a governor is the leader of a state, and a mayor is the leader of a city, town, or village. Congress - people in Washington, DC, chosen by us citizens to make laws for all the citizens of our country. Monument - a building or statue that honors the memory of an important person or event. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Pledge of Allegiance - a promise to honor and respect our country. We usually say the Pledge while standing and looking at a United States flag. People in military or scout uniforms salute the flag. Most citizens put the right hand over the heart. Goods - things people make or grow. Services -work that is done to serve, for example, police, doctors, teachers, and government workers perform services. Producer - A person who makes a product or grows a crop. Consumer - a person who uses goods and services. Basic needs - food, clothing, and shelter. Geography - the study of our earth. Globe - a model of the earth. Map - a drawing that shows where places are located. Latitude - lines that run east and west on maps and globes. Longitude - lines that run north and south from the poles on maps and globes. Landforms - shapes on the surface of the earth. Landforms are seen on a globe. Continents - There are seven large bodies of land on the earth. Ocean - a large body of water on the earth. Cardinal directions - North, South, East, and West Compass rose - s symbol on a map or globe showing the cardinal directions. Symbol - a shape, color, or line on a map that stands for something else Legend - a picture on a map that tells what all the symbols mean. It is also called a map key. Equator - a latitude line that goes all the way around the earth at the widest part. It divides the earth into the northern and southern hemispheres. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
Try this! Is a neighborhood part of a community? In what direction do latitude lines go? Do you live in a rural, urban, or suburban area? What are the three basic needs of all citizens? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at