SIGHT WORDS II What are sight words? Sight words are the words a second grader should be able to recognize instantly and spell easily. Here is a set of sight words. big pretty where eat am want ball year morning white live got four play last found color left away men red bring friend wish black Try this! Correct the misspelled sight word in each sentence. 1. Were is the big ball? 2. I am going to coler four pages. 3. My frend is going away this morning. 4. Do you life in the red or white house? 5. I found the last blak crayon. 6. I whant to eat good food. 7. Will the men brinng you to the play? 8. Next yer I will wish for pretty clothes. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at