Frequently Misspelled Words

English Language Arts, Grade 2

Frequently Misspelled Words

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Frequently Misspelled Words

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Frequently Misspelled Words


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Frequently Misspelled Words


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Frequently Misspelled Words


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Study Guide Frequently Misspelled Words English Language Arts, Grade 2

FREQUENTLY MISSPELLED WORDS What words are most often misspelled? Here is a list of words that many people misspell and some hints to help you spell them. 1. a lot - Really two little words, not one! It means the opposite of a little. 2. again - Try to remember gain is part of again. 3. because - Remember the “cause” to help you spell because. 4. Christmas - Think of a boy who has two mothers. Chris + mas. (The + reminds you of the t.) 5. Didn’t - This contraction is not hard, if you remember to put the apostrophe where the o used to be. 6. Easter - Do you see the direction word, east? Just remember the capital E. 7. favorite - Notice the o in favor. Don’t forget the silent e. 8. Friend, friends - Keep fr together at the beginning. Remember the silent i comes next. Then end with end. 9. know - There is a silent k at the beginning and a silent w at the end. Say this, “I know there is a silent k and w around no.” 10. once - Once means one time. Do you see the c in one? 11. our - Our means it belongs to us. Do not mix it up with the verb are. Say this, “O- U- R so nice to us.” 12. outside - This is a compound word. You know how to spell out and you know how to spell side. 13. people - Don’t forget the silent o. 14. said - Said is the past tense of say. Remember aid is part of said. 15. scare, scared - Do you see the word care in scare? © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at
16. too - This word means also. We use it at the end of a sentence like, “Me too!” It is also the word we use when it is too hot, too cold, too sweet, or too much. 17. there - There means a place that is not here. Do you see there in not here? 18. their - Their means belongs to them. They like their own things best. 19. they - Try to remember the word he is in they. 20. upon - Think of this as a compound word, up + on. 21. went - Went is the past tense for go. Think of sent. Change the s to a w to spell went. 22. when - You will spell when right if you remember the silent h. 23. would - Here’s a word you have to memorize. It goes with could and should. Try this! Which sentences are spelled correctly? My frends like alot of peple. My friends like a lot of people. Didn’t you know I would be scared? Did’t you no I wood be skared? Thay liked there favorit shows. They liked their favorite shows. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at