Hands-on Lab Skills / Science Inquiry - 3rd grade

Science - Third Grade

All About Matter


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Weather Station

Virtual Lab

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Matter Measurements

Virtual Lab

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Identifying Weather Instruments


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Sorting Physical Properties of Matter


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Tools for Measuring Matter


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Which are magnetic?


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Hands-on Lab Skills/Science Inquiry - 3rd grade

Study Guide

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Hands-on Lab Skills/Science Inquiry - 3rd grade


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Hands-on Lab Skills/Science Inquiry - 3rd grade

Flash Cards

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Hands-on Lab Skills/Science Inquiry - 3rd grade


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Hands-on Lab Skills/Science Inquiry - 3rd grade


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Hands-on Lab Skills/Science Inquiry - 3rd grade

Vocabulary List

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Flip Chart

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Planning Pinwheel

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Focus In!

Flip Chart

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Study Guide Hands-on Lab Skills/Science Inquiry - 3rd grade

HANDS-ON LAB SKILLS/SCIENCE INQUIRY Science Process Skills Scientists use many science process skills when they are working and experiencing science. Most of these skills you will use, too, when you are conducting science experiments and when you are investigating things in our world. Observing Science is all about observations. You can use your senses to observe, study, and examine the environment around you. Your senses include seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, and touching. Classifying In Science, you often need to group objects in certain groups. Classify means to group things together that have similar properties or features. Estimating When you estimate, you use the information you have gathered to think of a number that you think is close to what a final result will be. For example, a scientist might estimate how long it will take a seedling to grow above the ground. Then, when the seedling begins to grow above the ground, the scientist compares her estimate to the real amount of time it took. Predicting/Hypothesis Scientists often make predictions, which means that they tell what they think will happen before it happens. A prediction is often known as a hypothesis in science. You should first state your hypothesis and then test your hypothesis by conducting an experiment. Making Inferences You often make inferences in Language Arts, but you can make inferences in Science too. An inference is when you say what you think is going to happen, based on the facts and information that you already know. Models Scientists often create models or diagrams of different things they are studying. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
Investigating Scientists examine many different things in order to gather information and learn new things about what they are studying. Investigate means to study something closely. Collecting Data Data is another word for facts and information. Scientists collect facts and information in order to answer the questions they have during investigations. Scientists often put information they gather while observing and conducting experiments into charts and tables so that the information is easy to read. Interpreting Data Scientists often interpret the information they collect and observe. Interpret means to explain the meaning of something. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
Scientific Method The Scientific method is a set of steps used by scientists as a way to ask and answer scientific questions during observations and experiments. Scientists often use these scientific method steps to study cause and effect relationships, which means they study things that may cause something or be affected by something else. First step: Ask a question. Usually questions are the basic reason scientists investigate and conduct experiments, because they want to answer a question they have about science. Second Step: Write an Hypothesis A hypothesis is your prediction of what the answer will be to your question or what you think will happen during your experiment. Third Step: Create a control variable. A control variable is the part of an experiment that you do not make any changes to, which you can use to compare the other parts of your experiment. Fourth Step: Conduct an Experiment Test your hypothesis by conducting an experiment. Fifth Step: Gather and Record Your Data Collect and record the facts and information you find out during and at the end of your experiment. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
Sixth Step: Decide Your Final Answer After conducting your experiment and collecting your data, you need to interpret your data and results. You can organize your information by making charts or graphs so that the information is easy to read and understand. Last Step: State Your Final Answer After interpreting your results, the final step to the scientific method is to state your conclusion and to communicate your results. You need to ask: Was your hypothesis correct? Did the results of your experiment support your hypothesis? An important step to using the scientific method is to ALWAYS show evidence of your conclusions and statements you make after an experiment. Science Tools Scientists use many tools while observing and studying the world around us. Tools Use for Safety: Goggles used to protect your eyes when conducting an experiment Tools Used to See: Telescopes used to see things very, VERY far away, like stars Hand lens/magnifying lens used to enlarge an object or item Binoculars used to make objects far away seem larger Microscopes used to make tiny things appear much larger than they are © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
Tools Used to Measure: Thermometer used to measure temperature Balance used to measure mass Rulers/meter sticks used to measure length Graduated cylinder used to measure volume Stopwatch used to measure time Spring scale used to measure force of gravity on an object Tools Used for Recording: Tape recorder used to record sounds Camera used to take pictures A Tool Used for a Heat Source: Hot plate used to create heat Tools Used for Calculating and Recording: Calculator - - used for figuring out different number amounts Computer used for recording, collecting, and organizing information © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.
Safety in Science Here are some important safety rules to follow while experiencing Science: You should always listen to and read ALL directions very carefully before conducting any experiment. ALWAYS wear your goggles while conducting an experiment. NEVER taste any materials or substances involved with any experiments. Handle all equipment used for experiments carefully. Clean up all spills quickly. Wash your hands very well after conducting an experiment. If anything does not look right or looks unsafe while you are conducting an experiment, tell your teacher or another adult right away. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. Permission is granted for the purchaser to print copies for non-commercial educational purposes only. Visit us at www.NewPathLearning.com.