
Science, Grade 3

© Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4321 Visit www.newpathlearning.com for Online Learning Resources. Environment What is an Environment? How is the place where a fish lives different from a place where a bird lives? Each kind of living organism needs a certain environment to survive. An organism’s environment is everything around it. It is made up of all living and nonliving things in an area. water soil & nutrients animals plants climate microorganisms air Living & Nonliving Things The living things in an environment include plants, animals and microorganisms. Nonliving things include air, water, nutrients, soil and climate.
© Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 94-4321 Visit www.newpathlearning.com for Online Learning Resources. Pause & Review Sort the living and nonliving things shown. Write living or nonliving below each image. Environment Some photos courtesy of USGS.