Root Words

English Language Arts, Grade 4

1/2 MOVIE DIRECTOR DATE SCENE TAKE Many English words come from other languages, especially Greek and Latin. Roots are Greek and Latin words that form the basis of many English words. Examples action, activity, actress, react, transact, actor audible, audience, audition, auditorium, audiovisual, auditory biology, autobiography, biopsy, antibiotic fraction, fracking, fracture, refraction (breaking light ray) biography, photography, autograph illuminate, lumens, luminous, luminescent, luminary manual labor, manipulate, manufacturer, manuscript naval, navigate, navy pedal, pedestrian, pedestal, biped phobic, claustrophobia, hydrophobia, xenophobia, arachnophobia import, export, portable, porter, transport, portage Root act aud bio frac graph lum man nav ped phob port spec Means do hear life break write light hand ship foot fear carry see inspection, spectacle, bespectacled, perspective, spectral, spectators Roots Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 92-4056
These words have a Greek or Latin root. Draw a line to match each word to its definition. Use your knowledge of roots instead of a dictionary. A. a person’s life story written by the person himself B. a person who carries another’s luggage C. a famous, successful person D. fear of closed or small spaces E. a person who watches an event F. the part of the world in which life can exist G. a clever or skillful movement H. a large device that makes nuclear energy I. injection of water into rock at high pressure to release natural gas J. to travel around the world by ship or plane K. able to be heard L. an insect-like creature that is long, thin, and has many legs 1. reactor 2. audible 3. maneuver 4. circumnavigate 5. autobiography 6. fracking 7. claustrophobic 8. luminary 9. centipede 10. biosphere 11. spectator 12. porter Roots Visit for Online Learning Resources. © Copyright NewPath Learning. All Rights Reserved. 92-4056